Thursday, October 3, 2013

Another blog - really...

What was I thinking... Do I really need/want one more blog.  Do you sometimes you have a great idea, or at the time it seems like a great idea, but then reality sets in... do I honestly have time or even material to generate another blog?

I thought a blog just dedicated to sewing would be fun - and maybe in the future that will happen...

But my life is such a blend of events and tasks.  Sometimes I'm sewing, sometimes I'm canning, or putting food by, sometimes I have fun family events and news to share.  I don't live a catagorized life and that's a good thing I like the mix.  All that to say - I'm just not sure I can keep three blogs going.  I will stick with The Sweet Little Bird as my main way of sharing who I am and what I'm up to.  And in the event that there is someting marvolus in a sewing event or project I will post it to Robin's Bobbin.

all the very best,
a little bird, Robin's Bobbin, Hives and Honey Bees (aka me)


  1. yes you need this blog so I can admire (in a good way) the things you sew, and so you may inspire others. Love the granddaughter's dress; esp. the bodice lining and the handpicking...such the way to go! D.

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I will continue to post as I sew then. Thank you D.

